Cosmetic Tattoo FAQs

All cosmetic tattoo appointments have a full face to face consult along with a precise pre-draw before the tattooing commences. All cosmetic tattoos are custom designed according to your unique facial features and your desired outcomes. Not all technique are suitable for all skin types so please ensure you listen to your artists professional advice around what is suitable for your skin type.

  • The initial appointment is 2.5 hours. This allows time for a thorough consultation, precise pre-draw and tattooing. The tattooing is generally only 45-60 minutes

  • Each individuals pain threshold is different however, topical anaesthetic is applied throughout the whole treatment to ensure you are comfortable and not in pain. Clients explain it as a ‘bitey’ sensation but not painful. Your artist will check in with you regularly to ensure you are comfortable. 

  • As the name describes the perfecting appointment is there to ensure your new cosmetic tattoo is PERFECT! We do not always need to do a lot of tattooing in this appointment however, it is there to reinforce and build on the pigment where it might have faded slightly during the healing process. You don’t have to come to your perfecting appointment however, we strongly recommend coming to this appointment to ensure you are giving your cosmetic tattoo the best possible longevity and perfection. 

  • Cosmetic tattoo lasts anywhere from 1-3 years depending on your skin type and lifestyle. Cosmetic tattoo pigments have been designed to be semi permanent meaning they do fade over time; this allows the technician to make changes to colour and shape over the years as the client's natural colouration and facial changes occur.

  • It is recommended to come in annually for a colour re-fresh, this will ensure your tattoo is looking beautiful and defined all year round.

  • Cosmetic tattoo is not suitable for every person and it is essential you disclose all relevant health information to your artists to ensure any contraindications can be identified. 

    Just as it is important to find a good artists, it is just as important to ensure you are a good candidate for tattoo; this includes looking at your age, overall health and skin quality. Different health conditions and medications can compromise the quality of the tattoo. 

    If you have any health issues your artist may ask for you to get a written letter from your doctor approving the procedure. It is at the artists discretion if they wish to proceed or not. It is at the artists discretion if they wish to proceed or not. Please respect that if you are refused treatment this is done with your health as the main concern and not causing any further issues. 

    If you are still eligible for the treatment but you have contraindications you need to be realistic with your expectations and understand that your results may vary due to this. 

  • After cosmetic tattoo, you can generally return to work the very next day. Brow and eyeliner swelling should go down in a few hours, lip swelling may last for a day or two but will significantly reduce a few hours after. Most clients experience dry/itchy tattoo area that can be aided with the after care ointment that your artist recommends. It generally takes 8 weeks for a tattoo to completely heal.

Brow FAQs

  • Ombre or powder brow is a technique where thousands of tiny pigment dots are placed into the skin to create a shading of colour throughout the entire brow. This technique is defined on the ends and goes to soft gradient of colour towards the start. This technique achieves a ‘makeup’ or ‘tinted’ brow look.

    Combination technique is a blend of nano strokes and ombre techniques where you can have the best of both worlds with hair like strokes throughout the start of the brow and shading defining the ends. 

  • You will have a full consultation on the day of your appointment where you and your artists will discuss what you want your desired outcome to be, what you skin type is and other factors which will influence which technique is decided on.  

    Not all techniques are suitable for all skin types, to ensure as little trauma to the skin is being cause your artist will let you know if your desired technique is suitable for you or not. 

Lip FAQs

  • We have a wide range of beautiful sweet and sultry colours to select from to create a complete custom lip colour for you. Your artist will work with you to select a colour that will suit you and your visions. Your artist will consider skin tone, complexion, original lip tone and your desired lip colour goal. 

    Lip tattoo colour is expected to fade 50% or more, this is to ensure a beautiful natural lip colour. This is important to consider when selecting a colour. 

    It is normal for the colour to be very bright, dark and bold when first done and will fade slowly during the healing process.

  • Your lips will be quite swollen after the treatment, swelling will go down after a few hours but can be present for 48 hours. Ice packs and ointment can be applied to help relieve any discomfort. Colour will be quite bright and the tattooed area a bit sensitive. Please only use what your artist recommends. 

Eyeliner FAQs

  • For your eyeliner tattoo you can select a black eyeliner or a brownish black eyeliner. 

  • Your new lash enhancement will be very intense colour and have a wet look. It will also be a lot thicker than desired, this is due to the swelling and the tattoo shrinking when going through the healing process. During the healing process the tattoo will soften and settle into the skin and slightly shrink. Your eyes may be swollen for the first few hours following treatment, ice packs and ointment can be applied to help relieve any discomfort.

  • A lash enhancement is creating a subtle line along your lash line to slightly enhance your eyes. Eyeliner is a slightly bolder technique which creates a thicker more noticeable line along the lashes with a slight flick towards the end of your eye.

  • No, we do not tattoo on the waterline as a precaution, this is due to the possibility of it leading to lifelong complications such as dry eyes and possible pigment migration.